Savini and Factory Graduate Finding Success in Many Ways!

Savini and Factory Graduate Finding Success in Many Ways!

2015 was quite a year for Douglas Education Center graduate Jason Baker. He had his creative hand in so many projects that the list seems never ending. From editing movies, touring with a rock band, and producing a movie, he has been so busy, but yet he has accomplished so much.

Jason Baker enrolled in the Tom Savini Special Make-up Effects Program at Douglas Education Center in January 2008 and he hasn’t looked back. “At 25, I chose to come back to school; I quit my job, sold my car and most of my possessions and I moved here with what I had in a hockey bag. I had about $60.00 to my name,” said Jason. He wanted to work on film sets, so while in the Special Effects Program he became the resident effects guy for all of The Factory Digital Filmmaking projects. “I was committed,” said Jason. So committed that right after he graduated from the Tom Savini Special Make-up Effects Program he enrolled in the Factory Digital Filmmaking Program. While in the program, Jason utilized all of his time learning as much as he could by working on as many films as he could. “I was working on feature-length films while I was in the program,” said Jason.

Having a degree in both special make-up effects and digital filmmaking has helped him. This past year, Jason had the opportunity to work with the iconic rock band The Misfits. “I put together a couple sizzle reels to show (The Misfits lead singer) Jerry Only what I could do and he loved it. So we decided to put something together to play during their live shows. We got the school involved as a way to give back. The Special Make-up Effects Program and the Digital Filmmaking Program were involved along with alumni and current students,” explained Jason. The video made at the school was played behind the band at the concerts. Jason is also in the process of finishing a documentary titled Smoke & Mirrors: The Tom Savini Story, in which he produced, directed, and edited.
Jason Baker - Misfits

Jason has worked as the production head on feature-length films, as well as a production designer. Jason was the art director on the MTV show Buck Wild and he has built props for professional wrestler Triple H for his entrance at the last two WrestleManias.  He continues to work with Triple H and others in the wrestling arena. Jason has worked on films such as Dark Knight Rises, Jack Reacher, and Unstoppable.

“My training at DEC taught me that this is a life. This is not a job. You have to do it for the love of it everyday,” said Jason. “This work is not as fun as you think, but it’s going to be more rewarding than you can possibly imagine.”

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