DEC’s 110th Anniversary Celebration: Launches New Responsive Website

DEC’s 110th Anniversary Celebration: Launches New Responsive Website


 MONESSEN, PA, JANUARY 10, 2014 – It’s not every day that you reach super-centenarian status. But that’s precisely the milestone Douglas Education Center (DEC) has reached in 2014. We think that’s reason to celebrate! There aren’t, after all, too many companies that can boast 110 years of continued operation dating from the days of the Wright Brothers’ first flight. As the kick-off to a year-long 110th Anniversary Celebration, DEC officially unveiled its new responsive design website,, today – complete with new graphics and easier navigation, to commemorate this remarkable milestone.

The new website enriches the users experience by delivering full content and functionality across all devices. As mobile and tablet use continues to skyrocket, it is essential that DEC’s community of supporters are all able to access the website’s features across multiple devices – desktop, tablet and smartphone.

“With so many different devices and sites becoming available as part of the digital experience, it was important that we build a site that offers immersive, rich online and mobile environments that meets our audiences expectations across all channels,” said Kevin Fear, Chief Marketing Officer at DEC.

Updates to the website will continue over the next several months as DEC looks to build upon the design of the site and integrate more content to better serve its diverse community of supporters. “We want to make it easy for students to find us and to find information once they are on our website,” said Fear.

Key requirements for DEC’s website redesign initiative were: ease of content management, social media integration, responsive design, improved business workflow, and a bold, modern look. The website’s new features include:

  • Social media integration and blogs to provide students with more opportunities to engage with DEC news and activities
  • An improved content management system that makes it easier for DEC to keep content fresh

Overall, the new website gives DEC strong marketing capabilities and a distinctive online presence. Jeffrey Imbrescia, Chief Executive Officer / President at DEC added, “With new facilities and updated branding, there is no better time than the 110-Year Anniversary Kick-Off Celebration to announce DEC’s upgrade to our online presence. This new website is a positive step forward for DEC, and we are very proud that we were able to develop an enhanced online experience for both our prospective students as well as our valued existing audiences.”

Throughout 2014, DEC will be engaging its audiences – students, graduates, faculty, staff, and community friends, who have made the past 110 years of success in education possible through a variety of opportunities designed to recognize DEC’s rich history and look towards the future. These opportunities will be announced at a later date.

Do you have a fond DEC memory? Share your special memory on Twitter using #DECMemory / @DouglasEdCenter.

For more information about DEC and its programs, please visit


Established in 1904, Douglas Education Center (DEC) is a premiere career institution located in Monessen, PA.  DEC creates an educational atmosphere that not only fosters the highest standards of excellence in all students, but also helps these students develop an awareness of social responsibility and ethical behavior. DEC offers programs in natural gas, cosmetology, medical, graphic design and web, business, digital film, special make-up effects, illustration, and fantasy art.

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