Do what you love - Douglas Education Center

Do what you love

Do what you love

As the saying goes, “If you choose a job you love, you’ll never work a day in your life.” Douglas Education Center Cosmetology Academy graduate Gina Mosco can definitely attest to that.

“I think I’m so lucky that I found something that I love because I got to work every day and I don’t feel like I’m at work. It’s awesome to be able to go to your job and not feel like you’re working and it’s fun and it’s something that you love doing.” – Gina Mosco

At DEC you can turn your passion into your career. Mosco took the information she learned from the instructors at the Cosmetology Academy and is using them on a regular basis in her career as a Cosmetologist. She finds working with customers and meeting new people all of the time to be the most rewarding part of her career.

Mosco said she would recommend Douglas to anyone based on her feeling of being prepared for the work force. She attributes her preparedness to her instructors, who provided her with the information and application she needed to turn something she loves doing into her career.

“It’s so easy to put your best effort forth when you love what you’re doing.”

Mosco, like other DEC Cosmetology Academy grads, thanked the instructors for providing the information and examples of professionalism needed to take what’s learned in the classroom into a real salon. It takes special instructors to prepare students for the real world of cosmetology all while creating an environment that feels like family.

You can find Gina Mosco at the Geno Levi Salon in Canonsburg.

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