Alumni Success: Haley Stringhill - Douglas Education Center

Alumni Success: Haley Stringhill

Alumni Success: Haley Stringhill

“Love your clients,” is DEC alumnus Haley Stringhill’s mantra. Whether behind the chair making someone’s day, or in front of a team educating them in color techniques and application, Haley makes it her mission to spread the love wherever she goes.

Cosmetology is a thriving career. After all, everyone wants to look beautiful. “I always knew I wanted to get into cosmetology. I visited a number of schools before I finally walked through the door at The Cosmetology Academy at Douglas Education Center and realized that nothing else compared. I’m a firm believer that beauty changes lives.” Haley adds, “I wanted a career that not only would be needed twenty years down the road, but I wanted to make an impact on peoples’ lives.”

To really shine in the cosmetology field, a cosmetologist must put her best self forward and use his/her creativity to the client’s advantage. According to Haley, “It’s all about customer service.”

Alumni Success Story: Haley Stringhill

“The uniqueness of individuals from their hair to their face and their personality is what keeps me inspired. I love it when clients come in and say, “I trust you, do whatever you think is best,” said Haley. “That’s when I have the most fun!”

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