Alumni Success: Haley Stringhill
“Love your clients,” is DEC alumnus Haley Stringhill’s mantra. Whether behind the chair making someone’s day, or in front of a team educating them in color techniques and application, Haley makes it her mission to spread the love wherever she goes.
Cosmetology is a thriving career. After all, everyone wants to look beautiful. “I always knew I wanted to get into cosmetology. I visited a number of schools before I finally walked through the door at The Cosmetology Academy at Douglas Education Center and realized that nothing else compared. I’m a firm believer that beauty changes lives.” Haley adds, “I wanted a career that not only would be needed twenty years down the road, but I wanted to make an impact on peoples’ lives.”
To really shine in the cosmetology field, a cosmetologist must put her best self forward and use his/her creativity to the client’s advantage. According to Haley, “It’s all about customer service.”
“The uniqueness of individuals from their hair to their face and their personality is what keeps me inspired. I love it when clients come in and say, “I trust you, do whatever you think is best,” said Haley. “That’s when I have the most fun!”