DEC News - Douglas Education Center - Page 3

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State Secretary of Labor and Industry Kathy Manderino Visits DEC

On Tuesday, July 22, State Secretary of Labor and Industry Kathy Manderino visited Douglas Education Center. Her visit focused on what DEC offers to our students while in school, as well as after. “Really what I am interested in how are career and technical schools...

Alumni Success: Will Hartman

The transition from school to real world can be one that causes much anxiety. When students graduate they are faced with so many ideas of what the world is going to be like, how they are going to live, and where they are going to...

DEC’s Very Own Hip Hop Star

The spotlight is shining down on DEC student Blane Zentek who has been nominated for the Pittsburgh Underground Music Awards in the category of best live performance! "It's pretty cool to be recognized and nominated as one of the City's best underground talent," said Zentek....

NGE Student wins 2nd Place in Photo Contest

Hues of pinks, oranges, and purples danced across the sky as dusk settled over the Monessen landscape and John "Bubba" Palmer decided to snap a photo of the horizon. Seeing flyers posted around DEC for the 3rd Annual Raise Your Voice Music and Arts Festival...

DEC’s 110th Anniversary Celebration: Launches New Responsive Website

DOUGLAS EDUCATION CENTER’S 110TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION: LAUNCHES NEW RESPONSIVE WEBSITE  MONESSEN, PA, JANUARY 10, 2014 – It’s not every day that you reach super-centenarian status. But that’s precisely the milestone Douglas Education Center (DEC) has reached in 2014. We think that’s reason to celebrate! There aren’t, after...

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