DEC - Douglas Education Center - Page 2


Understanding Title IX and Reporting Incidents at Douglas Education Center

Under Title IX of the Education Amendments schools are prohibited from gender discrimination in any federally funded education program or activity. Additionally, Title IX is also used to protect students from incidents of sexual abuse, assault and harassment while on campus. At Douglas Education Center students...

Protecting your privacy when applying for financial aid

Protecting your privacy online is a hot topic these days. It is more important than ever before to safeguard your personal information while using social websites to prevent your information from being sold and then eventually used against you. When applying for financial aid, you’re already...

Do what you love

As the saying goes, “If you choose a job you love, you’ll never work a day in your life.” Douglas Education Center Cosmetology Academy graduate Gina Mosco can definitely attest to that. “I think I’m so lucky that I found something that I love because I...

How do I cover my housing with financial aid?

Whether you are a student, parent or adult student looking to go to school you’ll need to prepare yourself. Sometimes the best way to prepare yourself is with a checklist to make sure you don’t leave anything out. Preparing for financial aid with a checklist can...

When should you renew your FAFSA?

Did you know that your financial aid eligibility might expire before the end of your program? Your financial aid only lasts for an award year until you have to renew it. Typically, an award year is the same length of time as your academic year, or...

What are scholarships and how do you get them?

Scholarships are gift-money that can be used towards your direct educational costs as well as your additional costs that can include living expenses, additional supplies, and housing. Scholarships do not need to be repaid. There are thousands of scholarships available to students offered by schools, employers,...

Financial Aid FAQ’s

Applying for financial aid can be a daunting and intimidating process, especially if you've never done it before. Here are some FAQ's that might help you get started. Q: How do I know if I qualify for financial aid? A: If you’ve completed a FAFSA (Free Application...

Savini and Factory Graduate Finding Success in Many Ways!

2015 was quite a year for Douglas Education Center graduate Jason Baker. He had his creative hand in so many projects that the list seems never ending. From editing movies, touring with a rock band, and producing a movie, he has been so busy, but...

Factory Digital Filmmaking Graduate Rick Nelson enjoying Career Success

In a suburb of Pittsburgh, making movies with the neighborhood kids is where you would find Douglas Education Center Factory Digital Filmmaking Program graduate Rick Nelson when he was young. His interest in making movies started at the age of eight when his grandmother and...

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