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DEC Cuts The Ribbon on the Massage Therapy Program

Another day, another ribbon cutting ceremony signaling expansion and growth here at Douglas Education Center. This time, DEC invited guests and officially opened the doors to the brand new facility on campus for the Massage Therapy Program. In a ceremony held on June 10th, the DEC...

Douglas Education Center Opens New CDL Training Site

Douglas Education Center’s CDL program has expanded to Fayette County. Thanks to DEC’s partnership with the Private Industry Council (PIC) of Westmoreland County and their Dads Matter Program a new Commercial Drivers’ License (CDL) training site was opened just last week at the Joseph A....

Dads Matter to DEC

Douglas Education Center is partnering with the Private Industry Council of Westmoreland County and the Dads Matter Program to provide fathers from three nearby counties the opportunity to train for their commercial driver’s license (CDL) for free. Yes, you read that right, they can train for free. The funding...

Douglas Education Center Launches New Massage Therapy Program

Douglas Education Center is launching their newest career program aimed at the booming field of massage therapy. The program will prepare them to be certified Massage Therapists to work in clinics, spas, or to be their own boss. The program will cover everything from anatomy and...

Understanding Title IX and Reporting Incidents at Douglas Education Center

Under Title IX of the Education Amendments schools are prohibited from gender discrimination in any federally funded education program or activity. Additionally, Title IX is also used to protect students from incidents of sexual abuse, assault and harassment while on campus. At Douglas Education Center students...


  ACCSC (Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges) has recognized Douglas Education Center (DEC) as a School of Excellence. The ACCSC School of Excellence Award is intended to recognize ACCSC-accredited institutions that have demonstrated a commitment to the expectations and rigors of accreditation, as well...

Protecting your privacy when applying for financial aid

Protecting your privacy online is a hot topic these days. It is more important than ever before to safeguard your personal information while using social websites to prevent your information from being sold and then eventually used against you. When applying for financial aid, you’re already...

Do what you love

As the saying goes, “If you choose a job you love, you’ll never work a day in your life.” Douglas Education Center Cosmetology Academy graduate Gina Mosco can definitely attest to that. “I think I’m so lucky that I found something that I love because I...

All in the family

[caption id="attachment_27922" align="aligncenter" width="800"] Cosmetology Graduate Jade Morriston[/caption] Family definitely influences decisions for us all. No one knows you like your family does and luckily they’re sometimes willing to give you the push in the right direction you’ve been waiting for. [caption id="attachment_27923" align="alignright" width="222"] Jade Morriston,...

Meet Aeyron Moore – Douglas Education Graduate

Douglas Education Center Student Matters Aeyron Moore Douglas Education Center Graduate of Filmmaking Program   When director and cinematographer Aeyron Moore visited DEC in 2008, he knew immediately that this was the school where he wanted to learn his craft. "The facilities they have created rivaled most of the...

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