Film School - Douglas Education Center

Film School Tag

DEC Hosts Movie Premier

Douglas Education Center isn’t just where students can learn to make movies, it’s also where they can watch the final production. On June 13th, DEC held a movie premier for Back Fork, a movie produced by the director of DEC’s George A. Romero’s Filmmaking program. Written,...

Savini and Factory Graduate Finding Success in Many Ways!

2015 was quite a year for Douglas Education Center graduate Jason Baker. He had his creative hand in so many projects that the list seems never ending. From editing movies, touring with a rock band, and producing a movie, he has been so busy, but...

DEC Factory Graduates find Success in Acting

As children, we have many hopes and dreams of what we want to do when we get older - being a doctor, a police officer, a chef. Those hopes and dreams can change numerous times, until we have to really think about what it is...

Factory Digital Filmmaking Graduate Rick Nelson enjoying Career Success

In a suburb of Pittsburgh, making movies with the neighborhood kids is where you would find Douglas Education Center Factory Digital Filmmaking Program graduate Rick Nelson when he was young. His interest in making movies started at the age of eight when his grandmother and...

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