The Factory - Douglas Education Center

The Factory Tag

DEC Factory Graduates find Success in Acting

As children, we have many hopes and dreams of what we want to do when we get older - being a doctor, a police officer, a chef. Those hopes and dreams can change numerous times, until we have to really think about what it is...

Alumni Success: Will Hartman

The transition from school to real world can be one that causes much anxiety. When students graduate they are faced with so many ideas of what the world is going to be like, how they are going to live, and where they are going to...

Alumni Success: Johnny Bones

Walt Disney. Jim Henson. Tim Burton. Guillermo Del Toro. Peter Jackson. These are some of the world’s greatest directors, and all are inspiration for DEC alumnus Johnny Bones. “I have a relentless need to live in a fantasy world and these guys changed my life....

The Factory: Celebrating 5 Years of Excellence

Hooray! The Factory Digital Filmmaking Program at Douglas Education Center (DEC) celebrated its five-year anniversary with an Open House and Celebration. The Open House included demonstrations in editing and sound mixing as well as a visit to The Factory’s soundstage. Those in attendance were able to...

Factory Production Class Creates Video Trailer for “Flesh and Blood”

[caption id="attachment_876" align="aligncenter" width="640"] Factory Director Robert Tinnell at the San Diego Comic-Con where Tinnell was a guest on a panel promoting Monsterverse Comics - including Tinnell’s new four-volume graphic novel series, "Flesh and Blood[/caption] Factory director Robert Tinnell traveled to LA for a series of...

Q & A With A Vampire

[caption id="attachment_865" align="aligncenter" width="660"] John Amplas, star of the George A. Romero’s deconstructionist vampire film "Martin"[/caption]   I rarely get star struck. I’m fanboyed out. Thanks to DVD extras, numerous conventions, and working on set my excitement over meeting celebrities has faded. For the most part, I’ve...

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