Allied Health Programs - Douglas Education Center

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Meet Joy Greenlee – Douglas Education Graduate

Douglas Education Center Student Matters Joy Greenlee Douglas Education Center 2016 Graduate of the Medical Assistant Program   Joy Greenlee is a person with great compassion, who has a sense of caring for others, who has stated that there is nothing better than knowing that you really helped someone who...

Alumni Success: Breanna Swan

Compassion. Patience. Focus. A career in the medical field is a career in caring. DEC alumnus Breanna Swan says, "Learning how to be compassionate and sensitive toward patients and families who are dealing with serious conditions, injuries, or even past due bills, is essential in...

DMEDS: Medical Students Fundraise to Benefit Community

The medical students involved with DMEDS are truly men and women of action doing important work in our local communities. A medical student-run initiative at DEC, DMEDS provides students with an opportunity to engage in hands-on experiences with the underserved and vulnerable populations in the...

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