TITLE IX - Douglas Education Center

At Douglas Education Center (DEC) we value the rich diversity of our students, faculty, and staff. An institution thrives, when all its members are part of a campus community that is a safe and welcoming place to learn and grow. Therefore, it is vital to our overall mission that no member of our community be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or subjected to discrimination in, any institution program or activity on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Gender-based and sexual harassment, including sexual violence, are forms of discrimination that deny or limit an individual’s ability to participate in and benefit from the programs and activities of the institution. Accordingly, DEC expressly prohibits them.


As a recipient of Federal funds, DEC complies with Title IX of the Higher Education Amendments of 1972 which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in education programs or activities. For more information on our Policies, Prohibited Conduct, Supportive Services, and Grievance Procedures please read our Title IX Non-Discrimination and Grievance Process Policy and Institutional Sexual Misconduct Policy.

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Online Reporting System Disclaimer

Access to information submitted using this system will be strictly limited to the Title IX Coordinator and the Title IX Personnel. The information submitted in this system will be used solely for the identification and remediation of Title IX, Sexual Assault, Sexual Harassment, and Sexual Violence policy violations. For Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence support and counseling services please visit the Resources link. For more information about this online reporting system and our policy regarding reports and investigation of Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence including please visit the Title IX Non-Discrimination and Grievance Procedure Process Policy.and Institutional Sexual Misconduct Policy.

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